We fight. We agree. We disagree. But mostly we value the experience of veteran MSP owners and business strategists that we work with. Our philosophy is to work hard, leaving no stone unturned, listening hard, thinking hard, and executing a refined strategy quickly. We think we can be a kind of cheat code for MSPs to reach the next level.
We founded SSC to help MSP owners harvest the most value from their most prized asset. Many MSPs find that their business is not worth as much as they hoped, many times for correctable reasons. Our experience, derived from years of effort establishing strong organic growth, operational excellence, and financial discipline led to our successful transition. We now help you do the same.

We are here to help MSPs with less than $3mm in revenue (the vast majority of all MSPs) grow to the point that their valuation is significantly higher than it is today. To do this we leverage our experience and investment capital to enhance a company’s performance and eventual valuation.
We call it a next-level evolution. It is within reach for business leaders who may think they are stuck. Our message to business owners is that you are not stuck where you are.
How do we do this? We see a controlling interest in MSPs while keeping the current leadership in place. We work with these owners in collaboration on growing a business in which we both have a significant stake. We grow the business together (with new capital, maybe new strategies). And we exit the business together at an importantly larger multiple so that the business owner and our team see great benefits financially.

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